Media og presse
Norsk Heraldiske Forening
Gull & Ur
Porsgrunns Dagblad
Gull & Ur
Gull og Ur
God morgen Norge
Tv2 hostess Cathrine Fossum wore feather earrings in the
God Morgen Norge show.
God Morgen Norge
TV2 hostess Cathrine Fossum wore a feather pendant in the
God Morgen Norge show.
Høst the movie
Ane Jewellery was in the Norwegian movie Høst by Jan Vardøen.
Actress and comedian talent Hege Schøyen wore my jewellery in the movie.
Sigrid Bonde Tusvik
TV2 comedian Sigrid was wearing a feather pendant from Ane Jewellery
on her show Tusvik & Tønne Talkshow.
Gull & Ur 2014
Picture of me from the Gull & Ur fair.
Oslo Trend Magazine 2014
Gull & Ur
Article about my trip to master engraver Malcolm Appleby.
A big article about me in Inside.
Edelsmedenes grant
I won a edelsmedenes grant. Here is an article about it in Gull & Ur.
Flowerdrop earrings
Oslo Fashion Week 2012
Porsgrunn dagblad
Smykke A Jewelry Performance
Video from San Franciso Solo exhibition
SF Weekly